Under the Sea
My mother took some awesome photos under the sea for me and I have been sculpting away. I love the many colors in a coral reef, as well as the beautifully colored tropical fish. As I was creating this page I thought a lot about God, and what He must have been thinking while making such beauty under the sea. For me it was simple, I just look at a picture and copy it in plasticine. I cant imagine having to be God and create it all from nothing. It really makes you think about His power. It also made me think about the people He created, and the Bible He left to give us instructions on how He wants us to live.
Lately I have been witnessing to a lady who is a Jehovah's Witness. I have been trying to get her to read the real Bible and not the one created by the WatchTower cult. After a few weeks of sharing scripture with her I realised just how lost she and her cult really are. I prayed a lot, and when I ran out of patience I asked God to take it because she was too far gone for me. I would show her verses in the Bible and its like she couldnt see the same words I was seeing. Demons control her. I would show her where her doctrine was created by the leaders of that cult to keep control of their people. How they changed the Bible completely and how dangerous that is because we are warned about adding words or taking away words from the Bible.
So a few weeks into talking with her, I realised she is very much like Pharoah. Jehovah sent Moses to tell Pharaoh to set His people free, but He did not send Moses there to try and teach Pharoah truth. I always wondered why? Isnt Pharaoh Gods child too? I have wondered about that for many years now. God answered my question by using this Jehovahs Witness, this tool of satan. I say tool of satan because thats what a Jehovah's Witness is. Satan sends them door to door trying to join members to their cult. But not just any member, only people they feel they can brainwash. Lonely widows, lost souls, depressed souls.....they prey on the weak and weak minded. You can test this for yourself. When they come knocking on your door, invite them inside,dont hide from them. Invite them in and take out your Bible and you preach to them instead of them preaching to you. Believe me, they wont be back! They say they want to share Gods word with you, but when you try and share back and show them truth, they scatter like roaches when a light comes on. Satan knows our God is greater and he cant win, so he tells his tools to run so they do not hear truth.
For the most part they are not scholarly people. Once hit with truth, which goes against everything they have been brainwashed into thinking is wrong, they will turn tail and run tah tah in the wind! Like Pharaoh they are too far gone. They will never have a heart for the one true God. It is blasphemy for them to even use my Gods name. But they use it so that they can appear as angels of light. The ignorant and lonely, and lost will see Jehovah's name and think they are His servants because they know if they used their true name, Satans Witnesses, the people wouldnt even open their door to them at all. So they use our God. This is their MO. They do not realise each time they use my Gods name in their cult they are actually dumping large heaps of hot coal on their own heads. I want to hate them for the lack of respect they give to my God. But we cant, we cant hate them because thats what satan wants. If he cant get us away from our God by posing as our God, he will try and get us by causing us to hate. So I will not hate this woman who is so lost, and headed for hell. I will pray for her everyday because every time I pray for her, its slapping satans face. That's what we should all do, pray for this cult that God either shows them the truth, or destroys them as He did the Egyptians trying to cross the Red sea running after the Hebrews. I am not sure how this cult can believe such nonsense. Especially those raised in a good church who have seen the light and chosen to walk in darkness. I am just waiting for them to drink the kool-aid so they can come face to face with the true Jehovah. Then they will finally see the light, tho it will be much too late for their souls.