New book, ETA, October 2017
So, is it hot enough for everyone out there? I am so over this heat. This summer has been a very busy one, it is just starting to slow down now. I have taken on another writing project. I have committed myself to writing Barbara's Bio. Many of you probably remember about 8 or 9 years ago I wrote her Bio. I never released it because I was not comfortable with my writing. I am a children's book writer, and illustrator and I have just started to wade in the sea of Sci Fi and short stories as well as Christian fiction and short stories. I didn't feel I did Barbara justice.
Barbara Leigh is very special to me, she's my best friend. Of course...after my wife. Barbara and I connected right away when we met, and I know it's cliche but I can't remember my life without her in it. If I don't call she worries about me, and if she doesn't call I worry about her. We used to spend everyday in each other's homes through Skype. I am talking about 24 hours a day! It was hard being in different countries with time differences being so great, but we did it. Now we speak at least 3 times per day . We share everything with each other, and so now I feel I know her just as well as I know myself and can do her Bio justice. Its not just about facts, dates, and this and thats, its about the person. Barbara's aura, her spirit, her convictions, her pet peeves, her loves, her struggles, her successes, her failures, her hopes, her dreams, her thought process through it all. I am ready now to tell her story.
She is one of the hardest working, caring, kind, loving souls anyone could ever know. She deserves her story to be told because she has lived such an interesting life. From a Georgia peach to Hollywood, to Comic book Heroine and icon, to Playboy, her journey has been long and very interesting. The people she has met, the places she has visited, to say this woman really lived life to its fullest is an understatement.
I have decided that I will do it in a series of short stories as we walk through her life, because of our schedules and other commitments. In the style of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her stories from Little House on the Prairie. So keep checking back here and I will announce the exact release date for the release of the first book.
If any of Barbara's fans have any special Comic Con, Chiller Theatre, Playboy, movie, television, or modeling moments you have shared with Barbara, and would like to share for the book, please contact me on my contact page. Would love to hear your stories.